Covered Introduction - I had searched the internet high and low for every valid tweak and tip that could possibly make Windows XP actually usable. I say this, because I have found XP to be slow, lacking driver support, and filled with all kinds of useless garbage that noone in their right mind uses. So, until Microsoft realizes that the computer used by NASA personel is not the same computer I use at work, which is not the same computer I use at home, we all have to resort to manually re-coding everything ourselves. Why they don't offer a Light, Medium and Advanced installation is beyond me. Disclaimer - I take no credit at all for anything contained within this article. I freely admit to have ripped this information from various web sites. In some cases, word for word. The purpose of this article is to contain all this information in one place as a standing reference for myself. If you find it useful, then super, it served it's purpose. Again, this is to collect useful information in one place, nothing more. This is a personal reference for myself, noone else. I collected the information in this article because we got all new PC's at work, and I had to learn XP inside and out, this reference was extremely helpful as I updated machine after machine.... Num Lock ON
1. Type REGEDIT and press <Enter>. Change the Windows Logon Screen Saver in Windows XP When you start Windows, you may be presented with the Windows XP welcome screen, which prompts you click your user name to begin, or you may be presented with a Welcome to Windows dialog box that prompts you to press CTRL+ALT+DEL to log on. By default, if you do not press a key for 10 minutes, the Windows logon screen saver (Logon.scr) starts. 1.
Click Start , and then click Run . IMPORTANT : Make sure that you correctly specify the path to the screen saver. If the screen saver is located in %SystemRoot%\System32, the explicit path is not required. 6. Click Exit on the File menu to quit Registry Editor. >>Default
User Relocate
My Documents Folder Remove
E-Books, My Pictures and My Music from My Documents Replace
Outlook Email Fix
Your Address Book in Outlook Getting
rid of unwanted items in "open with..." shell extension - Click on the
start button, click on Run... and type the word "regedit"
(without the quotes) in the box that appears to open the registry
editor, Navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts" Don´t worry if you´ve removed an entry you rather hadn´t removed. When rightclicking a file there will be another option in the "open with" extension where you can choose any program on your computer. Once used, it will reappear in the list of associated programs. Disabling Balloon Tips To turn off balloon
tips in applications that support XP Themes Folder views not being saved Sometimes you'll change a folder view, its position, or one of the folder's display options and upon rebooting the changes haven't been saved. The first thing to do is go to Control Panel>Folder Options and under the View tab make sure that 'Remember each folder's view settings' is ticked. However even with this setting ticked you'll wind up with unsaved settings I know from personal experience. Before using this tweak, every time I opened Control Panel it would show Details view and not Icons view, no matter how many times I changed it back to Icon view. The way to fix this problem is to open Regedit and go to the following sub-folders: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\BagMRU] Right-click on each one (i.e. BagMRU and Bags) and select Delete to get rid of both of them. Reboot your PC and set up each of your folders as you like it. These settings should now be saved and restored on the next reboot. By deleting the registry entries above Windows is forced to recreate them and in doing so get rid of corruption and bad entries, typically caused by third-party programs. >>Remove the Link folder in Favorites [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar] LinksFolderName=Links If you want to get rid of the annoying Links folder in Favorites for good (and not just hide it), edit this string so that it equals a blank value. Now go into Favorites and delete the Links folder and it won't reappear again. Make WinXP a registered copy without going through registration [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
NT\CurrentVersion] Remove the 'shortcut' arrow that appears in the corner of desktop icons Start regedit.
How to display any message you want when Windows starts If you would
like to display a legal message or any other message in a pop-up window
when windows starts read below: >>Remove Shared Documents In My Computer By default, when you open My Computer in Windows XP, you see some folders above your hard drives. These are 'Shared Folders' (see the highlighted section in the above image), and basically provide folders for all users to share things. Personally, having these folders is annoying and unecessary. The solution is to remove these folders from My Computer, and the method is simple; simply navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\DelegateFolders in the registry and then delete the key {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}. Next time you open My Computer, the folders will not be there. Disable CD autoplay In Windows XP Home To disable the
CD autoplay feature, use the following Windows XP registry hack: How to Change Office XP Product Key
>>Disable error reporting One feature that
I can do without is error reporting. Every time a program crashes
I do not want to send a report to Microsoft. Read below to find out
how to disable this stupid feature. Event Viewer Quickly access the computer management console, where you can see event logs (to see what's causing a problem, for example), right-click My Computer and choose Manage. Then, select the
Event viewer and double-click highlighted events in the Applications
or System areas to view detailed explanations of what went wrong. You will need to run gpedit.msc from the run command and drill down to: Computer Configuration - Windows Settings - Security Settings - Local Policies - Audit Policy and chenge them all (if wanted). This will enable the event viewer's Security tab so you can see who logged on when and where. Media Player 8 High encoder Allows MP3 ripping
at a higher Rate. Speed up Nero in XP Go to "administrative
tools" in the control panel, and in the "services" list,
disable the IMAPI CD-Burning COM service. Remove Built in CD burning Run gpedit.msc To rename a series of files 1.Open the My Pictures
folder. (Click Start, and then click My Pictures.) Or open another folder
containing files that you want to rename. All of the files
in the series will be named in sequence using the new name you type.
For example, if you type Birthday, the first will be named Birthday
and subsequent files in the series will be named Birthday (1), Birthday
(2), and so on. To specify the starting number for the series, type
the starting number in parentheses after the new file name. The files
in the series will be numbered in sequence starting with the number
you type. For example, if you type Birthday (10), the other files will
be named Birthday (11), Birthday (12), and so on. Set Priority option Press CTRL-SHIFT-ESC1.Go to the second tab called Processes, right click on one of the active processes, you will see the Set Priority option 2.For example, your Run your CDwriter program , set the priority higher, and guess what, no crashed CDs >>To change drive letters To change drive
letters (useful if you have two drives and have partitioned the boot
drive, but the secondary drive shows up as "D") >>ZIP Folders A really quick tweak... Windows XP has built-in support for .ZIP files, so that you can view them as normal folders. However, the system uses a sizeable portion of resources doing this, so disabling this feature can increase performance. It's easy to do, you just have to un-register the zipfldr.dll, by going to Start -> Run... and typing regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll then pressing Enter. >>See all files in Device Manager Microsoft have decided in XP both Home and Professional Edition that we shouldnt see all our Devices in Device Manager by default.... especially the Non-Plug & Play devices. ! This is really useful if your XP machine is on or running a network. Right click on My
Computer Now In Device Manager,
select "View" from the toolbar and choose Hacking the XP Boot Screen This is a very simple trick to do if you have done the same for the logon screen and the start button. There are 2 ways to do this trick that I know about one is doing it manually and the other is using a program called bootxp. I am going to tell you the manual way to do it, but if you want to know the other way just let me know, so I can do an update to the guide. Now once you have downloaded your ntoskrnl.exe file save it a general location so that you will have easy access to it, like my folder. Once you have ntoskrnl.exe file in an easy access folder, restart your pc into safe mode. Once into safe mode go to the folder where your files are located. Now that you are there copy the file that you want to change your boot screen too. Once you have copied that file, hit the window key + r or type %windir%\system32 in the run command, so that folder as follows. Once there paste your new file into the folder and overwrite the existing folder. Now that you have your new file in the folder restart your pc as you normally would and your new boot screen should appear. You can download this bootscreen here. Disable Auto reboot 1. Right Click My
computer and hit properties >>Turn off System Restore Go to your Control
Panel Turn off Automatic Updates Go to your Control
Panel >>Turn off user tracking Run gpedit.msc If you enable this setting, the system does not track these user actions. The system disables customized features that require user tracking information, including personalized menus. The Default start menu relies on this. If you're using the classic start menu like I am then make sure you turn this off cause it doesn't do any good for you. MSConfig XP also includes
elements from the Win9x, ME family line. Msconfig, the System Configuration
Utility is one of the most important of these tools. Start -> Run
-> msconfig to access. For background, see Where do things load from?
How to you stop them? . Want to view and or control the programs and
elements of XP's startup process, study the information delivered by
msconfig which is a menu of locations that control startup loading of
programs. : Put Admin tools on Start Menu To access the local
administrative utilities, you need to: Enable ClearType font rendering Click Start Disable CD autoplay In Windows XP Pro It is safest to disable CD autoplay in XP using either local group policy or, for an enterprise, an Active Directory group policy. The local group policy editor method: Click Start Move the Spool Folder in Windows XP The spool folder is the area on the hard disk that Windows uses to store print jobs as they are being printed. This allows Windows to quickly return control to a program after a document is printed. By default, Windows stores this file on the same partition as the Windows system files. You can increase the performance of Windows, and increase free space on this partition, by moving this folder to a different partition. How to Move the
Windows XP Spool Folder The changes to the
spool folder will occur immediately and any currently active documents
will not print. It is recommended to allow all documents to complete
printing before changing the spool folder. Are you sure you want to
change the spool folder? Remove MSN X:\Windows\inf\sysoc.inf Create Desktop icon to lock the computer 1. Right click on
an empty area on your desktop. Now whenever you click this icon your PC will instantly be locked, and can only be accessed by the user entering a correct password in the Login box. Note you can also lock the computer at any time by press WINDOWS + L. Also note that if you have an account with no password, locking the desktop is a little pointless as anyone can login by just leaving the password field blank and clicking OK to log back in. Set Explorer's default startup folder If you open Explorer from an icon, this tweak allows you to set which directory it will display by default upon opening: 1. Right click on
the icon you use to launch Explorer and select Properties. "%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e, path" Where in place of path above you should enter the actual path to the directory you want open by default. For example C:\Windows, or C:\Documents and Settings, etc. The path also doesn't require quotes around it. >>Clean Up Context Menus Have messy Right Click Menus? Here are all the places you should look in: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\OpenWithList] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell] Dos Prompt Here are a few useful commands:
-=LRK=- and SubDivisions